The more popular any show is, the more its fans create various fan-art, some hilarious, some serious, but a majority of them pretty awesome. The HBO show Game of Thronesran for eight seasons and became one of the most successful and popular fantasy shows ever.

Millions of people fell in love with the show and spent years cheering on their favorite characters, hoping they would survive and live happily ever after (which often didn't happen). The show is now over but its spirit lives on and people are still making fan-art. Let's take a look at 10 hilarious fan-arts that might make even Cersei laugh!

10 Winter Is Coming

Unlike in our own world, the arrival of winter isn't a joyful occasion in Westeros. That's because winters there are much crueler and they can last for whole years. Especially the Stark family is painfully aware of this fact since they live at Winterfell, far in the north, and even have the saying "Winter is coming" as their family motto.

So when the winter does come, Jon Snow isn't excited about it, because he realizes he's going to have to fight the White Walkers soon. This fan-art posted by MyModernMet shows Jon in a way you've never seen him - actually having fun in the snow.

9 House Of Stark

Another fan-art posted on Pintested by MyModernMet finally confirms what all fans of Game of Thrones already suspected - that Tony Stark aka Iron Man is related to the Stark family. Perhaps he's their great-great-great-grandson? Seeing Tony interact with the Starks would definitely be interesting, especially since he comes from an entirely different world.

It's quite possible he'd best get along with Arya since both of them have the tendency to say exactly what they think. And, of course, you can't forget the fact that bearing the surname Stark means your life will be difficult... and you'll probably die, as Tony demonstrated in Avengers: Endgame.

8 What Could Have Been

Brienne of Tarth was an amazing character, one of the most popular ones among the show's fans. Brienne didn't have an easy life but always managed to push through, thanks to both the strength of her character and her formidable fighting skills. However, the one area of her life in which she was less than lucky was love.

Brienne fell for Jaime Lannister and even though he was aware of her affection, he did nothing about it for whole seasons. And when he finally spent the night with her, he left her soon afterward and returned back to Cersei. Perhaps Brienne would have done better with Tormund who adored her, as this fan-art by Benjamin Dewey shows.

7 Cheeky Melisandre

Melisandre is one of the most mysterious characters of Game of Thrones. Fans never got to know her whole life story, but it eventually became obvious that not only was Melisandre older than she seemed, she also had no problem switching between the good and the bad side, depending on what she believed to be the right step.

Melisandre was a red-headed witch with fiery powers and if you watched the first few seasons, you know that Jon Snow has a weakness for fiery redheads. This couple had never happened but it'd be an interesting choice, and there's still at least this fan-art by RobicTheEscapist which makes fun of it.

6 Prepare To Die

The Marvel and Game of Thrones Stark crossovers are simply too awesome and deserve at least one more spot on this list. Even more so since this fan-art posted by thetungwakou features not one, not two, but three whole fandoms, all hidden in a single picture.

It shows what would happen if Tony decided to kiss the Avengers and Stark Industries goodbye and went to gain the Iron Throne for himself and rule the whole of Westeros instead. Joffrey's death in the show was very satisfying but this is a show-down definitely worth seeing if only had it happened in the show. And the nod to The Princess Bride is just brilliant.

5 Mission Impossible

Jon isn't a bad fighter but when it comes to creating a suitable strategy, he should probably think twice before he comes up with a plan and decides to turn it into action, as this fan-art by Wooden Plank Studios shows. Jon's plan doesn't seem very solid from the start, yet his friends still go along with it, despite the obvious doubts they have.

And it might have even worked, if they hadn't lured Hodor out, who's too strong for all of them. Effort definitely counts, but in this case, maybe Jon just should have stayed put and not place his own life and his friends in danger.

4 Love For Candy

Daenerys Targaryen started out as one of the show's most popular characters, and innocent as well. But as time went on and Daenerys conquered one land after another, she became more and more unstable.

She finally snapped when her loyal friend ser Jorah died in the battle against the White Walkers and Cersei had Daenerys' best friend and guide Missandei executed in front of Daenerys' eyes. Daenerys burned down the whole city, but even before she did that, she practiced her dragon's skills by burning individual people. As this unfortunate candy shop worker found out in the fan-art by lanutak.

3 Hero's Journey

When Game of Thrones began, Jaime Lannister was the last person you'd call a hero. Yes, he was very handsome, but he also threw a small child out of a tower's window and he cheated on his king with the king's wife and Jaime's own sister. But as the series progressed, Jaime's character evolved and he eventually died a hero when he tried to save Cersei's life.

Yes, many fans still believed he should have stayed with Brienne instead, but what's done is done. Jaime has seen many strange things but he still has to wonder when exactly he became the most rational hero of them all, as shown by Dorkly in this fan-art.

2 Death Is Coming

The one thing you can definitely count on when watching Game of Thrones is that no matter which character becomes your favorite one, there's a big chance that he/she will die sooner or later... probably sooner. Unless your favorite character is one that even George R. R. Martin or the showrunners love too much (has anyone mentioned Tyrion?).

The show worked with many amazing heroes who, unfortunately, met their untimely and often gruesome demise, such as Margaery Tyrell, Catelyn Stark, or Lyanna Mormont, to name just three. Simply said - nobody is safe in Westeros, as another brilliant fan-art by Dorkly shows.

1 Trial By Combat

Trial by combat is a usual custom in Westeros. It allows the accused people to win their freedom by fighting in combat or appointing a champion who will fight for them instead, as Tyrion did so when they accused him of poisoning King Joffrey. However, there are certain situations when it's just better to forget the trial by combat and make amends with your inevitable demise.

Like when the ruling forces decide that your opponent is going to be none other than ser Gregor Clegane aka the Mountain. Of all the Game of Thrones' characters you wouldn't want to fight, the Mountain is definitely somewhere on the top, and if you check out this fan-art by Azad-Injejikian, you'll understand why.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Memes About The Last Season That Will Have You Cry-Laughing

Next Friends: Rachel Green's 10 Biggest Fears, Ranked

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